Saturday, November 27, 2021

Electric Blue Peacock Cichlid

They are a relatively tolerant fish that has a peaceful temperament. Https bit ly 34zohhy submit your questions here.

Pix For Male Blue Peacock Cichlid Peacock Blue Cichlids Peacock

These fish are not hard to keep but do keep in mind they are a true piscivore meaning they will try and eat any smaller fish they.

Electric blue peacock cichlid. The males are a bright yellow to metallic blue whereas the females take on a drab brown to gray color. It will rarely cause you any trouble and will get. Sciaenochromis are a carnivorous species so they will do best on a protein based diet.

The electric blue cichlid or as some older aquarists might refer to as an electric blue hap is one of the most stunning african cichlids available in the trade and very common in cichlid setups. It s not recommended to keep multiple varieties of peacock cichlids together. Subscribe for daily question and answer videos.

They are not overly aggressive and display as stunning blue colour that adds to any setup. The blue peacock cichlid does well in an aquarium that is at least 55 gallons with plenty of rocks for territories and a sandy bottom. Many keepers have also reported success with adding snails to the aquarium.

The electric blue acara andinoacara pulcher is a freshwater fish native to the slow flowing rivers and lakes of central and south america. They are from the cichlidae family a well known group among fishkeeping enthusiasts. These fish aren t the hardiest meaning they are ultra sensitive and difficult to keep.

Our larger ahli will get hikari pellets while our smaller ahli get beef heart flakes. Community aquariums with these fish are sure to be a stunning sight. They will kill the male peacocks and hybridize with the females.

The blue peacock cichlid aulonocara nyassae comes from the rocky sandy shores of lake malawi africa. Electric blue johanni image credit. Also known as the electric blue hap sciaenochromis fryeri the electric blue cichlid is a commonly seen fish in the hobby.

This is due to its beautiful blue coloration especially when fed correctly and its hardiness. They can be housed with other haplochromis and peaceful mbuna but do not house with male and female aulonocara peacock cichlids. Electric blue cichlid male female.

Though they get along this can cause breeding issues later on covered more in depth later on. The electric blue hap is a fairly aggressive cichlid so not considered to be a community fish. If you ve been in the fish game for a while caring for the electric blue joahnni is a challenge you might be up for.

This striking blue hap can be found off maleri island within lake malawi. Originating from lake malawi this species will go with most other malawi cichlids and usually does well in a community aquarium.

Aulonocara Sp Hybrid Ob Peacock Cichlid Malawi Ob Peacock Cichlid Fish Cichlids Aquarium Fish

Photo Blue Peacock Cichlid Aulonocara Nyassae Aquarium Fish Aquarium Fish Cichlids Fish

Malawi Blue Peacock Cichlid Aquarium Aquarium Fish Cichlids

Sciaenochromis Fryeri Aka Electric Blue Ahli Cichlid And Is Also A Haplochromis They Are An Essential To Any Large African Cichlids Cichlid Aquarium Cichlids

Aulonocara Maylandi Sulfur Head Peacock Cichlid Peceras Africanas Acuarios

Pin By Colin Millson On In The Clouds Costa Azurra Electric Blue Cichlid Cichlids African Cichlids

Aulonocara Kandeense Blue Orchid Peacock Cichlid Cichlids African Cichlids Blue Orchids

Blue Peacock Cichlid Aulonocara Nyassae Temperament Semi Aggressive Water Conditions 76 82 F Kh 10 15 Cichlids Tropical Fish Tropical Freshwater Fish

Blue Peacock Cichlid Cichlid Fish African Cichlids Cool Fish

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