It is native to the upper paraguay basin and upper madeira basin including guaporé mamore and beni in brazil and bolivia. Red phantom tetras are intently related to black phantom tetras hyphessobrycon megalopterus.
Red phantom tetra s are light and peaceful which should all the time be stored in a bunch of at least 5 individuals in a tank with a darkish substrate that can improve their coloration.
Red black phantom tetra. Usual size in fish tanks. Belonging to the family characidae these fishes can be distinguished by the existence of a tiny adipose fin situated between their caudal fins and their dorsal fins. They have an attractive flat oval body that is silvery gray with a distinctive vertical splash of black edged on its front and back with a bluish white just behind the gills.
Recommended water hardness dgh. The hyphessobrycon megalopterus more commonly known as the black phantom tetra is a freshwater fish that s highly popular among pet owners and aquarium aficionados. It is commonly seen in the aquarium trade.
Black phantoms make a stunning contrast fish when paired with their red hued cousins such as the red phantom jewel or serpae tetras. 4 20 n 71 43 357 14ppm recommended temperature. The black phantom tetra hyphessobrycon megalopterus or simply phantom tetra is a small freshwater fish of the characin family of order characiformes.
These fish can develop as much as four centimeters in size. 21 25 c 69 8 77 f the way how these fish reproduce. 3 4 cm 1 18 1 57 inch recommended ph range for the species.
An odd location for an eye spot this splash almost resembles the coloring of a human eye.
Black Phantom Tetra Tetra Fish Aquarium Fish Tropical Fish
Red Phantom Tetra Hyphessobrycon Sweglesi Beautiful Tropical Fish Tetra Fish Betta Aquarium
Tetras Black Phantom Tetra Hyphessobrycon Megalopterus Aquarium Fish Tetra Fish Tropical Fish
News Reviews Article Aquarium Fish Tetra Fish Pet Fish
Black Phantom Tetra Aquarium Fish Tropical Fish Aquarium Saltwater Aquarium Fish
Black Phantom Tetra Hyphessobrycon Megalamphodus Megalopterus Saltwater Aquarium Fish Aquarium Fish Tetra Fish
Smileblogger Com Aquarium Fische Aquarienfische Susswasseraquarium
Tropical Fish Hyphessobrycon Megalopterus Black Phantom Tetra Pet Fish Tetra Fish Tropical Fish
Hyphessobrycon Sweglesi Red Phantom Tetra Aquarium Fish Tropical Fish Freshwater Aquarium Fish
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