Violet blushing sharks can be reared with medium sized aquatic species like rainbowfish and botiid loaches. Origin edit edit source this fish originates from asia found across the mekong and chao phraya basins malay peninsula sumatra java and borneo.
The Black Red Tail Shark Tropical Fish Freshwater Sharks Pet Fish
While they are commonly sold along side much smaller freshwater shark species they grow much larger and are more aggressive than redtail or rainbow sharks.

Black shark tropical fish. Red tail black shark epalzeorhynchos bicolor red tail black shark tropical fish learn all about the red tail black shark s feeding habits and food types its behaviour its origins its natural habitats is it male or female breeding advice and information suitable tank mates its sizing and growth range minimum tank size water ph and more. The black shark is a large fish species with a semi aggressive nature. It is widely distributed throughout southeast asia and is found in the mekong basin in laos thailand cambodia and vietnam the dong nai drainage in vietnam the chao phraya and mae klong systems in thailand and other smaller watersheds in southern thailand peninsular malaysia and the greater sunda islands of borneo sumatra and java indonesia.
The black shark labeo chrysophekadion is also known to tropical fish keeping enthusiasts as the black shark minnow or black labeo. 5000 plus gallons of water. Fish are all quarenteened 1 week b4 sales.
You will need a minimum of 125 gallons to house this shark. Black sharkminnow black labeo additional scientific names morulius chrysophekadion rohita chrysophekadion labeo negro. The black shark labeo chrysophekadion is a large freshwater shark catfish species that hails from the rivers and streams of malaysia and portions of southeast asia.
It was found in the clear waters and floodplains in the menam chao playa basin however due to excessive poaching it was thought to have become extinct. The black shark will occupy the bottom of the tank so housing it with other bottom dwellers or similar looking fish is definitely not recommended. Sexing edit edit source difficult to visually determine the sex.
They may get along with tank mates that mainly swim in the upper space of the aquarium. Avoid coupling the shark will small fish or other fish of the labeo genus. The aquarium should be sufficiently aerated and filtered.
Originally found throughout malaysia these fish are very popular because of their forboding looks. Covered in all black the black shark has that familiar profile that many freshwater sharks share. Black shark tropical fish home facebook.
The red tail shark epalzeorhynchos bicolor also known as red tail black shark fire tail red tailed labeo and red tail shark minnow is a small freshwater fish native to thailand. Black shark tropical fish. Large selection of freshwater fish.
Red Tailed Black Shark Colorful Fish Salt Water Fish Aquarium Sharks
Sea Life Photo Red Tailed Black Shark Tropical Fish Aquarium Tropical Fish Tanks Tropical Freshwater Fish
Caring For A Red Tail Black Shark Is Tricky Because These Fish Are Aggressive And Territorial Freshwater Aquarium Sharks Aquarium Sharks Fresh Water Fish Tank
Black Ghost Knifefish Apteronotus Albifrons The Fishkeeper Aquarium Fish Freshwater Aquarium Fish Freshwater Aquarium
Red Tailed Black Shark Aka Redtail Sharkminnow Endemic To Thailand Classified As Critically Endangered Cr By The I Fish Pet Tropical Tanks Aquarium Fish
Red Tailed Black Shark Epalzeorhynchos Bicolor Smith 1931 Critically Endangered In The Wild But Comm Tropical Freshwater Fish Fish Pet Species Of Sharks
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